Quid Pro Joe?

May 2, 2018Videos

As Vice President, Joe Biden traveled to Ukraine to give them the news that the United States was going to be granting Ukraine $1 Billion in loan guarantees. While there, he threatened to pull the guarantees if they did not fire Prosecutor Shokin who was investigating the firm his son was working with.

Hairy Legs in the Sun and Kids Sitting on His Lap

June 1, 2017Videos

Joe Biden tells an odd story of when he was a lifeguard at a pool and how his hairy legs would turn blonde in the sun. Kids would rub their hand down his legs and make the hair stand up. He also mentions learning about roaches and kids sitting on his lap. A little creepy?

Poor-Off: by Jon Stewart

June 24, 2014Videos

Jon Stewart (The Daily Show) mocks Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton for competing in a good ol’ fashioned “Poor-off” for who had the hardest life and was in the biggest debt.