Joe Biden is back to take a hands-on approach to America’s problems!
Biden has a good feel for the American people and can smell what they really want deep down. Joe is ready for a fight and will give a good ol’ fashioned pounding to anybody who gets in his way. He won’t forgive, but he will forget!
Check out our Kamala parody site:
Tara Reade Alleges Joe Biden Sexually Assaulted Her in 1993
Tara Reade was a staffer in the office of then Senator Joe Biden in 1993. She claims that one day at work Biden pinned her up against a wall and kissed her while reaching his hand under her skirt and penetrating her with his fingers.
A friend of Tara Reade said that Reade had confided in her about the alleged assault when it happened. A second friend whom Reade met about a decade after the incident says that Reade also told her around 2007/2008 about the alleged assault.

On August 11, 1993 a woman called into Larry King Live from San Luis Obispo, CA asking for advice on a problem her daughter was having as a staffer in the office of a prominent senator. Tara Reade claims the woman calling is her mother. CNN confirmed Reade’s mother lived in San Luis Obispo.
In March 25, 1996, Tara Reade’s then husband filed a court declaration which stated that Tara Reade had told him in 1993 that she was being sexually harassed while working in the office of Senator Joe Biden. He also wrote that: “It was obvious that this event had a very traumatic effect on (Reade), and that she is still sensitive and effected by it today.”
Joe’s Historical Accomplishments
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart, 6/24/2014
As campaign season warms up, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden attempt to appeal to blue-collar voters by sharing their financial woes.
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart, 2/24/2015
The Audacity of Grope
Samantha Bee reports on Vice President Joe Biden’s uncomfortable tendency to invade the personal space of women in his vicinity.
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