Joe and a TV Reporter December 3, 2013Images & Gifs Joe Biden invades the personal space and grabs White House Correspondent Amie Parnes during the 2013 White House Christmas party. Share Tweet Email
“Biden (Shotgun) Defense:” by the Daily Show July 30, 2013Videos Joe Biden tells his viewers to buy a shotgun for self defense. Earlier in the clip he also mentions firing warning shots into the air which is illegal. Share Tweet Email
Joe with a Biker Chick on his lap September 5, 2012Images & Gifs Joe seemed to be enjoying having a biker woman on his lap while her two friends watched with concern. Share Tweet Email
Intimate Knowledge August 22, 2012Quotes Folks, I can tell you I’ve known eight presidents, three of them intimately. Share Tweet Email
Wall Street Unchained: by Jon Stewart August 15, 2012Videos Jon Stewart cringes at Joe Biden telling an African American audience that the Republicans are going to “put y’all back in chains” Share Tweet Email
Back in Chains August 14, 2012Quotes They’re going to put y’all back in chains. Joe Biden said while speaking to a largely African-American audience in Danville, Va. Share Tweet Email
Obama’s Big Stick April 26, 2012Quotes I promise you, the president has a big stick. (Referring to President Obama) Share Tweet Email
Big F***ing Deal! March 24, 2010Videos Joe Biden once again unleashed the F*** bomb – this time accidentally caught on a hot mic. Share Tweet Email
Joe and Hillary September 1, 2009Images & Gifs Joe Biden gets close and personal with Hillary Clinton Share Tweet Email
Give Me a F***ing Break! March 13, 2009Videos Joe Biden unleashed the F*** bomb on live TV. Share Tweet Email